Monday, September 7, 2009

Some Things Just Need to End.

If I told you the truth,
would it ring true?
Or would it ring something
wrong within you?
When I say what's happened
And I say what's been
Will you observe
without prior judgment?
If I told you a story,
of a boy and his mistakes
Would you love the character
Or would he leave a bad taste?

One chilly night, high in the night
a boy named Fletcher
dipped his heart in to lies.
As he sat before a fire
he began to shake.
He felt a chill blowing at him
as he drank and drank.
He saw a devil blowing cold air
he whispered with his sock puppet
With angel hair.
Fletcher crouched and shook,
Cold, he looked
like the weight of his sins
had collapsed on him again.
So he searched for protection,
he searched for warmth.
The fire before him
was not warming his heart.
"My faithfulness is your shield
and your bulwark"
he heard in his mind.
He was being loved despite this time in his life.
Fletcher knew he tripped
and stumbled again,
but this didn't stop him
from being loved with sin.
With a devil like Jack Frost
pulling him with a string
Fletcher remembered
that Love conquers everything.
So he clung to the words
that his Father gave,
stood up straight and
smiled, "I am saved."

Though I let myself
take the bait
I am not defeated
nor will I accept this fate.
For God is true
and He is kind,
Yes, He is love
and love does not die.


Molly Joy said...

I love that I can see ties with your poetry, music, and art! I feel like they paint (figuratively) a beautiful picture of what is pressing on your mind as we grow as children of God!

Very inspiring and very beautiful!

ArrowMaker said...

Thank you Molly.
